Now take a look at Figure 8.2.4. The graph shows what percentage
of the population of each country is Kurdish. Although the Kurdish
people are a large cultural group, they make up only a fraction of
any of the countries that they live in. The largest concentration of
Kurdish people is in Turkey; however, nearly 80 percent of the
people of that country are Turkish and speak the Turkish
Cultural ties are strong and do not depend on political
boundaries. Although the Kurdish region is not a political unit, it
is a formal region because it is a distinct physical area that is
different from the surrounding areas.
Cultures can also exist as functional regions. For instance, a
religious group's beliefs may have a strong impact on the members'
lifestyles, making the group noticeably different from other members
of the population. Various congregations belonging to a religious
group may be scattered and not be physically connected, yet they
function as a unit.