Uranus is one of the smaller gas planets in our solar system, but
it is still large enough to hold sixty-four planets the size of
Earth. Uranus, like Venus, rotates in an opposite direction of the
other planets in the solar system, and its poles are sometimes
pointed toward the sun. Cold methane gas gives Uranus a blue-green
color. Uranus has strong winds, though not as strong as Saturn's.
Wind speeds on Uranus can be as fast as 373 miles per hour. Compare
that to the strongest winds on Earth; Hurricane Katrina was a
category five hurricane, with wind speeds of over 156 miles per
hour. Uranus has at least eleven rings made of particles the size of
boulders. Uranus has at least twenty-one moons, though some are less
than sixty-two feet wide.
Things to remember about Uranus:
- Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun.
- Uranus is a gas planet.
- Uranus rotates on its side.
- Uranus has strong winds.
- Uranus has at least twenty-one moons.