SOHO Image of the sun, taken September 14, 1999.
Photo courtesy of European Space Agency, NASA, and the Solar and
Heliospheric Observatory.
The sun is the center of our solar system and the planets all
orbit around it. The sun makes up 99.85 percent of the mass in our
solar system! This means that if you put all the other planets,
including the earth, along with the moons, meteorites, asteroids,
and other celestial material together, it would make up less than 1
percent of all the mass of the solar system. Compared to everything
else in our solar system, the sun is huge, but in the Milky Way
galaxy it is only one medium-sized star. The sun is made of burning
Things to remember about the sun:
- The sun is the center of our solar system.
- The sun includes almost all of the mass in our solar
- The sun is a medium-sized star.
- The sun is made of gas.