Lesson 2: Connecting With Your AudienceGuides for Effective Listening
Why is listening so difficult that we must train ourselves to learn how to listen? We only listen to what we want to listen to—it is a selective process. If someone that we don’t like starts talking, we tune them out. But if they have credibility, we listen. People who don’t want to listen to certain topics (or certain speakers) simply tune them out. Because listening is a mental process, if we are thinking negatively we will only hear the negative; if we are thinking in a positive mode, we will be listening in a positive mode. The listening and the attitude coincide. For example, someone may say, “I do not like the color red on you.” You may be thinking negatively and interpret this as “They don’t like me.” But the reality is that they just don’t like the color red. If you aren’t making that connection with your heart and your mind, you will jump to the wrong conclusion. The ultimate listener should participate and be open and receptive to all points of view. As you analyze the information you receive—not just in speech class, but from all the sources around you—you need to understand and appreciate many different points of view. Releasing your personal biases and judgments will be one of the most helpful and significant changes that you can incorporate in your life. We not only listen with our ears, we listen with our entire bodies. When you listen, you should consciously display the receptive physical demeanor known as an “open body” position. In an open body position your legs and arms are uncrossed, you are looking at the presenter’s eyes, and you are leaning slightly forward. This position enables you, as a listener, to make the connection necessary to receive the information offered by the speaker. If you are in open body position, it shows that you are listening and that your heart is open to receive. Closing down your body with crossed legs, folded arms, and a scowling face signifies that you are not willing to participate in any dialogue or any exchange of communication. You have totally shut down, both physically and mentally. It is very important that you make a choice when it comes to being a good listener. I hope that your choice will be to follow the Indian philosophy of Angelis Arrien:
Connecting with your audience means that you must connect heart to heart. It means that, as an audience, you are open and willing to receive information, and that, as a presenter, you are open and willing to share information that will make a difference. Now that you have read through the material listed above, if you will take the easy and effortless approach of just being your true self as a presenter and your true self as an audience participator, the connection of relational speaking will happen. |