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Eighth: Set Some Fun Goals

Life is too short to be serious all the time. Elder Glenn L. Pace commented on this subject:

In this regard, my counsel to members would be to relax, lighten up, mellow out, and not get so huffy. While the gospel is sacred and serious, sometimes we take ourselves a little too seriously. A sense of humor, especially about ourselves, is an attribute worthy of development (Glenn L. Pace, “Follow the Prophet,” Ensign, May 1989, 25).

Don’t take life too seriously. Set some fun goals.

I have some fun goals. I want to take my whole family to China to walk twenty miles on the Great Wall of China. I want to take my family river rafting through the entire Grand Canyon when my youngest turns eight. I want to take my family back to Kauai, Hawaii, for a family reunion. I want to climb Pilot Peak in Nevada. I want my family to be in another one of the Church’s major pageants. Fun goals are an important part of life.


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