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First: Strive to Learn What Heavenly Father Wants You to Do.

Learning what Heavenly Father would have you do or be is one of the most important tasks you will ever accomplish. If we do what Heavenly Father wants us to do first, He will also help us accomplish what we want to do, and we will do it better because we have his help. We can do nothing better than what God would have us do.
I made this discovery as a young PhD student in Washington, D.C. I was attending school full-time (classes were mostly at night), working part-time at the Capital Market's Department of the World Bank, and trying to be a good husband and father. Then the bishop called me to teach seminary from 6:00 to 7:00 each morning. I remember thinking how easy it would be to justify declining the calling. But I also realized that if I wanted Heavenly Father's help with my PhD program, I needed to serve where He wanted me. So I accepted the calling. I enjoyed teaching seminary, and while I filled this calling, I was able to complete a PhD program in less than three years. From this experience, I learned that if I do what Heavenly Father wants me to do first, then He will help me accomplish what I want to do. Furthermore, anything I do with His help, I will do better than if I tried to do it by myself.

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