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5. Opt Out

One final option is to “opt out.” Do you want to stop receiving credit card applications in the mail? There is a national credit opt-out number that you can call to take your name off the mailing lists of all four major credit-reporting agencies. Dial 1-888-567-8688 (1-888-5OPTOUT). You will have to answer a few questions over the phone. You will be asked for your home telephone number, name, and social security number. You will then be sent a form to fill out and sign. After doing this, you will have much less junk mail. Opting out is easy, painless, and well worth it.

You can also opt out on the Internet by going to the site www.Optoutprescreen.com. After you fill out the information on the site, you will be immediately removed from the mailing list for credit card applications for five years.


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