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3. Be Aware of Signs of Trouble in Credit Card Spending

If you answer “yes” to any of the following statements, you may be having some trouble managing your credit card spending:

Do you make only the minimum payment each month?

Have you reached your credit limit on any of your cards?

When you dine with friends, do you pay the entire bill on your credit card and then have your friends reimburse you with cash?

Do you wait for your monthly bill to determine how much you have charged?

Do you get cash advances because you do not have enough in your checking account to pay bills or other expenses?

Have you been turned down for credit or had a card cancelled by a credit card company?

Have you withdrawn money from savings to pay off credit card bills?

Do you think it is too much trouble to figure out how much of your credit card bill is interest?

Does your stomach start churning when you get your credit card bill?


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