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10. Decide to Decide

You have done much over the course of this series: You have developed solid financial skills, you have learned to live on a budget, and you know your financial situation. You have evaluated your tax situation; your cash-management system; and your life, health, auto, disability, and liability insurance. You have developed an investment plan, a retirement plan, and an estate plan, and you have written a will. You have developed good habits that will allow you to be financially self-reliant. Now you must “decide to decide” to keep these good habits for the rest of your life!

Elder Rex D. Pinegar said the following:

You, our beloved young men and women, are in the most critical period of life. Youth is the time when habits are formed, when ideas are adopted. It is the time of decision. Decide today to heed these words of our prophet: “Decide to decide!” (“Decide to Decide,” Ensign, Nov. 1980, 71)

Whether we are youth of age eight or we are ninety-eight years old, we still need to heed the prophet’s counsel to “decide to decide.”


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