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3. Decide to Work

Hard work is necessary for you to reach your goals. J. Paul Getty, who was at one time considered to be one of the world’s wealthiest men, gave this formula for success: “Rise early, work late, and strike oil!” Elder Rex D. Pinegar said the following about work:

If you and I are to reach the summit of our divine potential, we must work each step of the way. The path may be rugged, difficult, unheralded; but it can be successfully climbed if we are willing to work with all our strength and commitment. (Rex D. Pinegar, “Decide to Decide,” Ensign, Nov. 1980, 71)

Decide now to work, and decide to work as hard and efficiently as you can. And pray for your Heavenly Father’s help as you work that you might work beyond your natural abilities.


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