- Budgeting
- Cash Management
- Consumer and Mortgage Loans
- Debt and Debt Reduction
- Time Value of Money 1: Present and Future Value
- Time Value of Money 2: Inflation, Real Returns, Annuities, and Amortized Loans
- Insurance 1: Basics
- Insurance 2: Life Insurance
- Insurance 3: Health, Long-term Care, and Disability Insurance
- Insurance 4: Auto, Homeowners, and Liability Insurance
- The Home Decision
- The Auto Decision
- Family 1: Money and Marriage
- Family 2: Teaching Children Financial Responsibility
- Family 3: Financing Children’s Education and Missions
- Introduction
- Decide How Education Relates to Your Financial Goals
- Understand the Principles of Financing Education and Missions
- Understand the Priority of Money for Financing Education
- Recognize How to Save for Your Children’s Education
- Recognize How to Save for Your Children’s Missions
- Know How to Reduce the Cost of Education and Apply for Aid
- Summary
- Assignments
- Investments A: Key Lessons of Investing
- Investments B: Key Lessons of Investing
3. Minimize turnover and taxable distributions
Minimize turnover on all assets and minimize taxable distributions on your mutual funds. Every time you sell an asset, you set up a taxable event (a transaction that has tax consequences). By using a buy-and-hold strategy, you minimize the impact of taxes and reduce your transaction costs as well.
You can also minimize turnover and taxable distributions by selecting your mutual funds wisely. Invest in those funds that do not have a history of trading actively (i.e., funds that have low turnover or trading such as index funds or low turnover mutual funds). These funds will reduce that amount of taxes you must pay each April.