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Free Online Course on Personal Finance

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Intermediate Courses

3. Intermediate Course on Investing

This is a simplified course on investing that hits the key areas of investing, but not the process of understanding assets or building portfolios.  The manual for this course is  Intermediate Investing Course Manual.

4. Intermediate Course for Returned Missionaries

This is the course that I will be giving my daughter when she returns from her mission next year.  It is more in-depth than the beginning college student course and includes information on buying a car, buying a home, and consumer and mortgage loans. The manual for this course is  Personal Finance Manual for Returned Missionaries.

5. Intermediate Course for Young Married Couples and Single Adults 

I recommend this course for all newly married couples, couples that are planning to get married soon, or single parents, .  It is more in-depth than the beginning college student course or missionary course, and includes information on buying a car, buying a home, consumer and mortgage loans, and sections on money and marriage.  The manual for this course is  Personal Finance for Young Married and Single Adults.


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