Be flexible and see how you can sincerely solve the complaints and threats that you confront today. Think of ways in which you could use them as stepping stones and show others a new and creative way to overcome these by your example. Listen to your customers
Criticism from customers is the best input you can get for bringing out an all-round improvement in the organization - and you get it all free without any consultancy charges - all you need is a pair of willing ears. Be innovativeIf the competition is not allowing you to make reasonable profits, it means you have to use innovative ideas to make your product little different from the rest. If the slump is worldwide - for example, in the case of manual typewriters or video cassette players - it means that you have to bring down the production over a definite time frame and start diversifying in other areas. Visualize success
Concentrate on your heart chakraDo you feel easy there or do you experience a feeling of slight discomfort? Repeat the same exercise on your solar plexus. Discomfort in these areas may mean that you are not ready as yet or you need to reconsider the options a little more carefully. Know your teamAlways be aware of your people's potential and the alternative new areas they can enable your organization to branch off into, in times of crises. Potential does not mean just the degrees and qualifications of your people; it means what they can be readily trained for without resistance. Often what by lane you need to switch over to may depend upon the kind of people who work with you.