FREE online courses on Stress-Can You
Fight It - How I Chain You as my Slave - Meet My Three Best Friends
FREE online courses on Stress-Can You Fight It - How I Chain You as my Slave
- Hypertension
When there is too much of me it leads to a rise in the blood
pressure. It increases in response to any stimulus becoming chronic by
constant repetition. You could overcome this by changing your lifestyle and
embarking upon adequate rest and sleep. Drugs can reduce your blood pressure but
if the cause is not tackled it may result in side effects all your life.
Digestive Disorder
There is a
proven connection between your emotions and the digestive system. A
variety of symptoms may include such as constipation, derangement of bowel
function as diarrhea or colic pain in the abdomen, even nausea. Another common
symptom is the feeling of a “lump in the throat”. Overcoming this problem needs
a practical improvement of the lifestyle. It is observed that a visibly
functional or psychological case might end up in some organic problem.
Gastric/duodenal ulcers are the most obvious examples of early functional
problems developing into organic lesions. These need to be ruled out through
well-directed investigations.
Clinical Depression
reaction to me is an underlying cause of clinical depression. In this
state, the mind of the patient is totally withdrawn and professional help is
The Range of
Tingling legs and arms
Hot flushes
Digestive disturbance
Lack of appetite
Uncontrollable weeping
Intense self-pity or self-blame