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FREE online courses on Maximum Managing People - Dealing With People - Handling Employees


In the modern economy, there will be fewer manager subordinate relationships. People will be placed on a more equal footing and authority will move down organizations. There will be a balance between all employees. Therefore, with everyone having choices, there will be more options available.


There are basic types of employees available.  In the following section I will discuss some of these types along with their strengths and weaknesses.


An average and ambitious employee may, in spite of innate stupidity possess cunning. This type of person is very dangerous. He is likely to betray you given the right cause celebre. This is particularly true when you are weak. Also be very careful of the wounded type. This type is often bent on revenge. Do not make yourself available for his cause.


The traits to look for are school or college dropouts. Also seek for perversity of any form. You have to seek for the twisted mind within. Their reactionary nature is your warning sign.


The average, but not very hard working, often do what they are told. This makes them invaluable assistants. Their movements and actions can be checked by incentives and control.


The smart and lazy are my favorite. They often are efficient with no sense of grandeur. They are good workers and can produce effectively. They handle most of the upper level work in an organization. But they must be pushed. If that is not your forte you will have trouble taking the lazy part out.


The gang type are risky. They seek alliances usually against their bosses. Be wary of their moves because they are often motivated and aggressive. However they can make for effective workers.


Look for employees with a wide vision because they will commit themselves to the larger view. They are less likely to sell you or the organization out. Also they will adhere to company wide objectives.


Be careful how you handle emotionally active employees especially those who are not in your control. They are usually cocky and bright. They will jump into discussions at meetings and go behind backs to achieve their goals. Despite this they can immeasurably help an organization if carefully controlled. Strategic manipulation of their work and interactions are important.


I also strive to obtain highly accommodative individuals. This type of person has the following traits; flexibility, moderation, and the ability to rationalize.


High accommodation should make for 'emotionally adaptive operational employees' who are quick to respond to your emotional ups and downs. This will increase your progress in accomplishing goals. Look for such traits under the umbrellas of consistency and efficiency.


It is very important to do a cumulative analysis of the person to understand his/her past. When doing this be sequential – play particular attention to their recent events as these will shape their views and responses significantly.


Do an 'inflection analysis' which will provide data on the employee's tendencies during times of upheaval. Everyone can perform well during good times. Not only that if given a conducive environment many will achieve a passing grade where otherwise they would have faltered. This parachute analysis is important for evaluating the inner strengths of your employees. Will they come through for you when you need them?


Only by testing the individual's mettle under difficult conditions can you obtain the truth. Then you can induce how the person will handle a negative strategic inflection point.


The key is to derive understand the process of judgmental escalation.  This means to what extent is a person willing to go to block your initiatives.  This will indicate how decisions will vary under mitigating circumstances. This is both strategically and operationally important for you and your company.


From a company wide perspective, if you look at Type A, B, and C personality profiles you might see a pattern. Most books suggest that you try and get type A's wherever possible. The idea is to hire the best raw material person available. This will help make your company churn profits more effectively.  However in society the different types might give you the human capital variety you need to get things done.


Across a firm this might have a second benefit. By homogenizing character types towards one end of the spectrum, you are more able to count on the nature of the response you will get. Interactions are also standardized. This alone can create efficiencies of operations.


The versatile business world which we have is like a currency which is traded across geographic boundaries. By its very nature as a goods and services transferor it makes toughness one of its strongest barometers for success.


And don't always look for good guys. Some bad characters can teach you more than what a hundred good guys put together can.


Some people have limited originality. This is highly dangerous. These people are products of the George Orwellian ‘system.' Their raison d'etre is to play games. And they can do it without remorse and or self control. These people can often be in large organizations where excessive originality is frowned.


When money flows in your direction, you can afford to slow down and be less tough. As the money flow reduces then you must upgrade your toughness.


Companies like Cisco Systems thrive on high technology employees with driven personalities. There is a reputation of extraordinary peer pressure. It is not an eight-hour day at Cisco's San Jose complex. The laser focus of employees has even caused a customer lawsuit which accuses rogue Cisco salesmen of extortion and death threats.


Another important factor is cultural typing. People gravitate more forcefully to cultural motifs rather than broad character types. This guides many of their actions. This cultural barrier is not likely to be broken. So be aware of this dimension since it can move people in culturally unique ways.


The key is to focus on understanding a person in relation to your core criteria or requirements. And never assume that things normally taken for granted are applicable. Dysfunctionality and greed for life are carefully exercised around you by people of all kinds.


Time stretches a person. Do things like making them wait a couple of hours and see how they react. Do they still defend you or are they turning the other way? If they don't maintain their consistency, indicates contra behavior. Finally see if they are competent, pure and simple. Being a good sport is only part of the game.



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