Maximum Managing People
No Mistakes Managing
What is the being a maximum manager all
about? Is it about success, profits, people skills, being a technological
leader, a silent force, a hands on manager? It maybe many of these things
depending on the circumstances.
In my experience a person who blends all
these attributes together cohesively without making mistakes is a 'no mistakes
manager'. This concept is extremely important because it indicates
that in all your dealings you are ahead of the game. It also means that despite all the challenges to doing
business you are managing to succeed.
To be successful no mistakes managing must
be based into a business philosophy. It is part of your desire to be a high
level worker.
In business the end results are not as dire
as say in other types of conflict.
For example in wars people get shot, blown up, etc. Not very pretty. In fact the
decisions made by officers who are controlling troop movements may get people
killed. So in armed forces the penalties for failure are severe. In business
however failure brings other types of problems. Employees become demoralized, workers are laid off and
factories get shut down.
By using the following axioms I will try and
encapsulate the main principles of no mistakes managing.
Every decision, no matter how
small, has the possibility to have large implications on someone. And if a
company and its employees can begin to realize this, they can evolve personal
codes of conduct, which eradicate costly misunderstandings, which cost time and
Self-preservation of your
business zone and the objectives that you have established. Use information
control techniques.
It is important to support
business decisions with the requisite energy and drive and also to have the
requisite energy and drive to be in a position to make good decisions.
Keep pushing on a repetitious
model. This creates a focus, which can be used for achieving objectives.
Use these axioms to further your business
objectives. They are helpful points of reference, which are to be used
advantageously. This is especially true since perception and reality are often
blurred concepts in the business world because of the commoditised nature of
people and products. Thus, in order to maintain a high level of quality
management, it is important to maintain an overall perspective.
Maximum managing also entails avoiding
people who will make problems for you.
You must guard against high energy people who might take a run at you.
Be careful about anyone willing to sabotage his or her career to sabotage yours.
Every business interaction must be controlled in a fashion that
generates a ‘ground reality' between the external party and you. Thus what is
being stated, declared and emphasized by an employee, supplier or anyone
connected with the firm should be in sync with realism and factually based.
The idea is to evolve a critical success
model, which will help in making decisions by
taking the best internal factors of your firm into account. It also pushes
through solutions, which support long-term stability as opposed to short-term
whims. There is no point making the right decision today only to find a year
later that it was the wrong decision.
Often political decisions are consistent
with the critical success model. And since we live in a political society
notwithstanding the Geneva charters on human rights and freedoms, etc, we must
respect politicized, economically palatable decisions. So, at times, in order to
ensure that the management makes no mistakes, we have to step out of the ‘line
of fire' and let someone else shoulder the burden and take the heat.
Finally, you and your firm must have the
best user-friendly products to sell.
No mistakes mean the products must have no inherent flaws in them. This means
lavishing a great deal of time and effort in creating the right products. Work
is the engine of large ideas. The products must be market friendly and should
generate good responses from consumers. Many firms have failed because of weak
product lines.