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Free Online Course on Personal Finance

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We have talked about many things regarding another perspective on wealth as it relates to personal finance. While we haven’t talked about the real “nuts and bolts” yet, we have talked about critical concepts.

Perspective is important in studying personal finance. Our view of the Savior, the way we look at ourselves, at life, and at others will have an important impact on how we utilize the blessings we have been given by God. It is critical that we have a correct perspective, as perspective impacts our choices.

Four key principles constitute our view on understanding and using wealth wisely:

  1. Ownership: Everything we have is God’s. He created the earth and everything on it, including us, and it is His.
  2. Stewardship: We are stewards over everything the Lord has shared or will share with us. It is our responsibility, as stewards, to learn everything we can so that we can be the best stewards we can possibly be. This website’s purpose is to help in that stewardship.
  3. Agency: Choice is a major gift from a loving Father in Heaven. It is a precious inheritance not to be squandered.
  4. Accountability: We have been blessed with the gift of choice, but we will be held accountable for its use. We must learn to use this gift wisely.

Other basic principles about wealth that are directly related to these key principles discussed above:

Ownership Truths:

  1. Wealth is not a sign of righteousness.
  2. Since God gives us our blessings freely, we should share them freely.

Stewardship Truths:

  1. We have not earned the things we enjoy.
  2. Wealth is not a necessary qualification for service in the Lord's kingdom.

Agency Truths:

  1. Wealth can be a great blessing or a curse depending on our priorities.
  2. Love of money is the root of all evil.

Choice and Accountability Truths:

  1. Money will not make you happy or solve all your problems.


There are three objectives that you should remember from this section.

  1. Do you understand the importance of “another” perspective?
  2. Do you understand the key principles for understanding and using wealth wisely?
  3. Do you understand other basic principles about wealth?

Many wonderful and exciting things await you as you begin this series on personal finance. I testify that these principles are true and that they have made a difference in my life. I promise you that if you think about these things and pray about them, you will gain a testimony of their truthfulness. They will be important precepts as you seek to gain financial security, do good, raise righteous families, serve your fellowman, and help build the kingdom of God.


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