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  1. A credit evaluation is a process that a creditor uses to determine whether an individual deserves to be given credit; a credit report, on the other hand, is a file that contains detailed personal information and a credit history of a specific individual.
  2. You can receive one free credit report from each of the three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian) in the following three ways: (1) by going to http://www.Annualcreditreport.com, selecting a state, and then entering personal information, (2) by calling 1-800-322-8228 and requesting your credit reports, or (3) by mail (go to http://www.Annualcreditreport.com and download a mail request form).
  3. If you find an error on your credit report, you should first initiate an investigation. If this does not clear up the error on your report, then you should attach a note to your report explaining the mistake so that creditors can see it.
  4. The benefits of having and maintaining a high credit score are numerous. Three of these benefits are (1) lower interest rates on loans, (2) being able to lease an apartment, and (3) qualifying for lower insurance costs.
  5. The five most important factors in determining your credit score are the following: (1) your payment record, (2) the amount that you owe, (3) your credit history, (4) application history, and (5) credit mix.


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