- Another Perspective on Wealth
- Setting Personal Goals
- Understanding and Managing Credit
- Conclusions 1: Learning to Give
- Conclusions 2: Decide to Decide
Review Questions
- What is the role of financial planning in your life? What can it help you achieve?
- Why is it so important to set goals? What does setting goals help you to do? Why is it important to write down your goals?
- Why is it important to set “real” goals? What is the difference between a goal and a wish
- What are two basic things required in order to complete an accurate financial plan?
- Why is record keeping an important part of completing an accurate financial plan?
- What are the different costs associated with setting a goal?
- According to Elder M. Russell Ballard, what is one of the dangers of not setting goals?
- What is one of the most important goals that every individual must learn for him or herself?