Career Counseling
High quality education is one thing, but
unassisted career choices are hard to make. Moreover, their consequences
are even harder to take. Most of life's frustrations arise from wrong
career choices. We all have our unique abilities and gifts, genetically
programmed into us. Life is fulfilling only when these aptitudes and
career aims converge, built on a foundation of quality education.
Contrary to popular belief ,careers in Information Technology are not
the only options available. When there is ample scope for pursuing a
career which harnesses your own peculiar set of attributes, even
so-called off-beat careers as fashion photography, sculpture or
archaeology may appear attractive.
Career counseling will trigger introspection, leading to a
reasoned career choice. In an ideal situation, a career should be less
of a job and more of a mission, not an omission. It is OLW's 'Mission
Impossible' to not only put high-quality netucation at your disposal,
but also make career counseling an integral part of the process. They
are designed to make you a better conversationalist, impart poise and
confidence, and improve your inter-personal skills. Yes, a mission for
us, remission for you and admission from others that OLW was right,
after all!!