‘meditation' has its origins in the word ‘medicine'. It is indeed a process to
undo the The mind (conscious as well as subconscious) of an average person is working all the 24 hours while arms, legs tongue, eyes, etc., are used only when there is a need. If the conscious mind is used continuously, it can lead to a nervous breakdown.Meditation is one of the most helpful psychological techniques available to us in developing the resources needed to counter stress and anxieties, worries and negative mental and emotional states. The mind tends to flit from one thought to another, a state of almost constant distraction. Thoughts chatter away like a cartload of monkeys. To handle this, meditation bids you to select a single object and mentally focus on it, to the exclusion of all else. Refuse to become diverted by random thoughts. One of the best techniques is to slow-down your breathing, and concentrate upon the gentle rise and fall of the abdomen or the point between your eyebrows. Steps For
Meditation ONE: Choose a time and a place – unplug the telephone. TWO: Sit upright, clasping hands lightly in the lap (this blocks waves of energy from reaching the genitals) and relax your muscles.
FOUR: Keep sensation of breathing as your point of focus and stick with it. FIVE: If thoughts arise, do not follow them, push them, nor label them as ‘good' or ‘bad'. SIX: Rise slowly from your seat after meditation. Maintain your poise and calmness. Meditation is simply the practice of awareness, a time to
concentrate on the eternal life force within. It offers tranquility without any
emotional joint, can liberate positive attitudes, and you find it an ally in
your fight to curb me.
HEALTHY DIETStress leads to
dehydration, thickening of blood, under– nourishment of skin; digestive
disorders and · Tea, coffee and alcohol increase the rate at which liquid is lost. So go for pure water of unsweetened fruit juices. A cold shower helps to relieve stress as the droplets enhance the negative ions in the air you breathe. · Cut down intake of fat or intake of polyunsaturated fats. · Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Prefer eating steam-cooked food. · Concentrate on eating fiber in the form of whole meal bread, cereals, skin of fruits and vegetables. ·
· It's best to cook your own food rather than eat out. · Take vitamin B, as stress consumes it. · Keep a check on your weight.
FIGHT STRESS A healthy diet helps to curb the effects of stress by providing your body with nutrients. ·
· Oranges, rich in potassium (an electrolyte), which helps the brain's neurotransmitters in working properly. Milk, cheese, apricots and nuts could further help this. · Fish and potatoes are rich in vitamin-B, which help to combat anxiety, irritability and mood swings. ·
· Spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables are loaded with magnesium, which help to defend the body against stress. Other rich sources could be soybeans, bananas, mangoes and peanuts.
EXERCISE Physical exercise helps to combat the effects of stress. It helps the pent-up energy to be discharged and helps the mind to turn to other things and forget the frustrations and pressures. There's good evidence that people who take regular physical exercise, have more energy, feel better and are less susceptible to stress-related diseases such as heart attacks and strokes. BENEFITS OF
EXERCISE · A stronger heart pumps more blood with each beat · Reduces blood pressures and blood sugar levels. · Improves the balances of blood lipids. · Raises the level of proteins in blood · Releases tension in muscles · Dilates blood vessels · Keeps weight down · Maintains flexibility in joints · Wards off the stiffness that accompanies tension and strain.
Consult your doctor
before starting any exercise programme. 2.
3. Exercise at least three times a week 4. Pace exercise sessions to progress. 5. Rotate each joint once a day for flexibility. 6. Select exercises you enjoy doing. 7. Exercise bicycle, rowing machine or a skipping rope are best fitness tools.
RELAXATION During relaxation
the mind and body are released from conscious demands and become free of
tensions. You could relax by entering a quiet room and lying down but this is
useless if you rejoin the world and get tensed again. Relaxation helps your body awareness and you remain in
harmony with your body. STEPS TO
RELAX 1. Waggle your jaws from side to side 2. Flex and unflex the fingers 3. Try one or two sit-ups 4. Bicycle your legs in the air. 5. Try taking some deep breaths. Your body tends to get tense while sitting at a desk, crossing one leg over the other or while climbing stairs, opening drawers, washing dishes and putting on your coat. Begin to enjoy your body and the pleasure of moving it without tension and strain and sinking into relaxed stillness. How peaceful you feel when you stop nervously twitching or fiddling with objects.
study your body and how it responds to stress, the more you will be able to
CONFIDENCE THROUGH QUIETImagine your heart slowing down, breathing becoming smooth and rhythmic and all tension slowly slipping away. Now, imagine someone rushing in to ask for an important decision. Slowly breathe in and slowly breathe out. As you do, your body relaxes and your mind clears of distractions and you make the decision calmly. This is a sign of quiet confidence.
DRUGS The use of drugs
would be taken as a short-term measure to control stress. It can help to
INDIVIDUAL EFFORTCounseling and advice is often necessary to come out of a stress situation but much can be achieved by personal effort. In the end, it is up to us to solve our own problems. As reduction of stress remains a matter of gaining greater insight into our character, personality and habitual responses. This involves delving deeply into spiritual areas and finding purpose and meaning beyond everyday life.
OVERCOME UNCERTAINTYOne of the key causes of stress is uncertainty. If you
are in stress due to loss of a job. Your first
SOME OTHER SAVING TIPS Distract yourself. Get busy with some form of physical pursuit or enjoyable activity. Vent. Talk to someone, share your worries, and express your feelings. Laugh. See if you can joke about what's worrying you. Relax. Try relaxation exercise to calm your body and empty your mind. Be philosophical. Tell yourself that WHAT EVER WILL BE, WILL BE.