FREE online courses on Getting Along with People - The Art of Getting Along
With People - Arguments
If you want to get along with people, avoid arguments. Arguments, as you know, settle
nothing. You need not be an 'yes' man at the same time. It only means that you are too wise to
be drawn into a fruitless game without ultimate winners. When you argue, you
cloud the atmosphere with negative emotions, build a barrier and convince your
opponent that you are ill informed and bull-headed.
Arguments produce counter arguments and heated unresolved debates. In the
process, if you rub people on the wrong side, you would be multiplying your army
of people who complain against you at every forum. However, only people with a
weak self-esteem would want to win an argument at all costs. If
you have a strong sense of identity you can withstand critical attacks on
religion, politics, and friends fairly comfortably. If the other person is
getting on your nerves through unjust remarks, just dis-engage yourself. Silence
could be the best possible answer. Just smile and get away. People generally
like those who do not argue without reason.