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Organization Behavior


Though an organization is structured according to the goals and objectives to be achieved, the actual performance is at variance for various reasons.  There are some factors, beyond the control of the management, which affect the performance of the organization.  However there are some factors, which relate to the organization (independent of the type of structure).  The performance is affected due to organizational behavior. The behavior of the organization is a result of the following factors:


  • Organization Culture
  • Organizational Power
  • Organizational Change
  • Organizational Learning
  • Organizational Motivation


Organizational Culture


The culture is a set of attitudes, beliefs, values, norms and understandings, the people have in the organization. The culture is a collective behavioral result of the people who man the organization. Depending upon the person, whether he is a manager, an officer of a worker, the cultural pattern emerges and it is known as a managerial culture and a work culture, etc. Long-term performance and managerial actions depend on the managerial culture and the achievement of the targets depends on the work culture.


The culture may be reflected in the philosophy, policy, strategy, goals and managerial style of the organization. If the organization culture is generating a behavior which affects the performance adversely, it can be changed by management actions such as training, education, creating awareness, transferring people, encouraging young recruitments and talent in the organization.


Organizational Power


The organization power is the ability of the organization structure to use human and material resources to achieve the stated goals and objectives of the organization. The power of the organization is not distributed uniformly all over the organization but it may be concentrated in small groups representing a function, a department or a section. It might be localized with the individuals.

Some individuals by virtue of their position, responsibility and seniority, enjoy more power than others. Some individuals by virtue of their nearness to the management and a strong personality derive power in the organization structure.


Organizational Change


Even though the organization is structured properly, over the period of time it starts failing slowly due to the changes in the environment, the people and the business.  Like a living organism, an organization undergoes a process of birth and death. The process of organization outlives the purpose for which it is established moves much faster, if proper corrective action is not taken. The organization structure in its life cycle, starting from the introduction, growth, maturity and decline should change suitably in the respective phases. The behavioral change through the organizational change is achieved by creating a climate for change, deciding, designing and implementing the change, watching and institutionalizing the change.


Organizational Learning


The organizational behavior improves with the experience it gathers from all business fronts.  With experience, people are in position to identify the cause and effect relationship.  It is possible to predict the errors and probable mistakes in the business operations.  The rules, systems and procedures are streamlined over a period of time. With this learning experience, some changes in the organization structure are inevitable and they should be carried out.


The individuals in the organization are able to assess the strength and weaknesses within them and are able to take steps to improve. As organizational learning increases, the organization's behavior shows maturity.  With increased learning, the organization moves towards high degree of formalization, affecting the structure itself. The organizational learning is faster, if people and the management are dynamic and progressive.


Organizational Motivation


There are two leadership styles, autocratic and supportive.  In an autocratic style, the leader determines everything and dictates decisions.  The decisions are enforced by the power of authority.


The supportive leadership style calls for participation, consultation and respects the opinion of the subordinates. The process evokes initiative amongst the subordinates and gives them a feeling of importance and satisfaction.


Organization as a System


A system is an assembly of elements arranged in a logical order to achieve certain objectives. The organization is also a system – of people.  The individuals in the organization are selected in terms of number, quality and ability and are placed in hierarchical order to plan and execute the business activities to achieve certain goals and objectives.  This is the simplest justification for calling the organization a system.


The arrangement of task in terms of process and work design is dependent on the people. The choice of technology of handling the task is dependent on the people.  You may choose the best technology and well designed tasks, but they have to be suited for the people. Over and above, these are to be arranged in proper structure. Further, fourth element has been added as culture. According to Leavitt an organization should be viewed as a socio-technical system consisting of people, tasks, technology, culture and structure.


In view of the nature of the task, the organization is supposed to carry out; it has to be designed as an open system capable of adjusting itself to changing environment. The organization continuously exchanges the information with the environment and is influenced by the changes in it. The organization, therefore, has to be built in such a fashion that it adjusts with the changes in the environment and that the goals and objectives are achieved.


The system and their goals are not stable. The goals change in response to the changes in the business focus, the environment and is influenced by the changes in it. The organization, therefore, has to be built in such a fashion that it adjusts with the changes in the environment and that the goals and objectives are achieved. 


The systems and their goals are not stable. The goals change in response to the changes in the business focus, the environment and in the people in the organization. A significant change calls for change in the organization structure.  A goal displacement is said to have occurred when the system goals replace the organization system goals. When a goal displacement occurs, it affects the organization's goals significantly. Another reason for goals change is due to the natural process of growth and decline.


All organizations and their business go through the different phase of growth cycle in stages as, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. Each phase generates new goals to be served. If the changed or displaced goals are not reflected in the organization as a system, the organization is bound to suffer from decay.



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