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FREE online courses on Concepts of Ayurveda - Karma


'Karma' means action. " behaviour, such as effort, endeavour etc.," according to Charaka " constitutes action. " He further elaborates the concept by stating that, " endeavour is action directed towards and end, and it is the action, the performance, the effort and beginning of a work."


Karma or action has a direct reference to the property inherent in matter ( atoms and molecules ) to combine or integrate together to form various compounds and also the decomposition or disintegration of such compounds, implying physico - chemical reactions of various kinds. Says Charaka, " Action which is the cause of conjunction and disjunction resides in the substance. Action is the performance of what is to be done. It depends on nothing else."'


 ‘Karma' is of five kinds viz.,

1. Utkshepanam -- Upward movement;

2. Apakshepanam -- Downward movement:

3. Akunchanam -- Contraction or narrowing:

4. Prasaranam -- Spreading or dilation;

5. Gamanagamanam -- All motions in general;


This classification of Karma, it will be seen, is spoken of in terms of motions of various kinds - both in time and space and its special reference will, therefore, be to physics, chemistry, physical - chemistry, bio - physics and bio - chemistry.



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