FREE online courses on Concepts of Ayurveda - Dik or Space
" Space (or place ) " says Charaka "is the
regain of action." According to the Vaiseshikas Dik or space is understood in
relation to priority or subsequence, other that of Kala, It is stated to arise
out of our notions of here and there; up and down; front and back, and right and
left, etc. The notion of Dik or space is based on the spin of the earth around
the sun which creates the idea of direction such as East, North, West and South.
The idea of East, for instance, arises out of the phenomenon of sun - rise, and
is in consequence, fixed towards it. West of course is the opposite of East
(i.e) the place of sun - set. North and South are fixed in relation to Dhruvas
(i.e) North and South poles. To these directional dimensions are added two more
viz., the upper and the lower. Whatever may be the conventional division - Dik
or Space, according to the ancient natural philosophers, is a continuam (i.e)
Vibhu or all - pervasive, eternal or Sanatana.
In the context of the Nyaya Vaiseshika
system, Dik or space is considered in view of the position occupied in it by
paramanus and their motion during the processes of Samyoga and Vibhaga (I.e.)
atomic and molecular association and dissociations (decomposition or
disintegration). For example, the proximity or otherwise of substances to one
another will constitute a fundamental difference in the chemical reactions (i.e)
paka of different substances. In the same manner, the importance of the relative
position occupied by paramanus in Space with reference to North and South (
Uttara and Dakshina Dhruvas ) and the temperature factor is emphasised by the
Vaiseshikas. Thus, Tejas (Heat and importance in physical and Chemical science,
are classified as Dravyas by the Nyaya - Vaiseshikas, as they posses, specific
Gunas or predicaments.