FREE online courses on CRM - Elements of Customer Marketing - Company
and the Customers
Marketing, sales and
service people deal with the customers and are creative and full of innovative
ideas. The customers look forward to real-world human interactions blending
rationality with intuition. In a company relationships include:
Customer Interviews
Customer Teams
Customer Planning
Company-wide Participation
Customer Interviews:
Should be conducted with all the customers.
Could be conducted face to face, on telephone,
written or e-mail questionnaires or via website.
Helps to understand customer needs and problems.
Helps to bring changes in business to satisfy
It determines current and future potential of each
It deepens relations with each customer to generate
additional sales.
Such interviews are expensive, can be conducted
during a normal sales visit.
Customer Teams
It's a powerful and fundamental customer-marketing
Consists of people responsible for contacts with a
specific group of customers.
Can include Field sales person, Telesales person,
Representative and Marketing person.
Meet to set up customer goals and account plans.
Play an important role in customer planning process.
Customer Planning
Company needs to determine where customers need to
end up in customer pyramid at the end of the planning period.
Knowledge and creativity of teams should be tapped
Such goals can be achieved through customer
Prospects have to be formed to reach the goals.
Company can select methods from media or
technologies delivered to specific groups.
Company-Wide Involvement
Company-wide participation is important as everyone
can improve customer performance, behavior and satisfaction.
To promote this meetings could be held or
Encouragement could be given to participate in a
customer focus.
Results of customer satisfaction surveys could be
published and suggestions could be invited on them.
A suggestion-box for customer satisfaction could be
set up.