FREE online courses on the Art Of Effective Time Management - Assertiveness
Training - STEP FOUR
Try being assertive in real life
Start with the easier, less
stressful situations. Build some confidence. Make adjustments in your approach
as needed.
Look for or devise ways of
sharpening your assertiveness skills. Examples: Ask a friend to lend you a piece
of clothing, a record album, or a book. Ask a stranger for directions, change
for a dollar, or a pen or pencil. Ask a store manager to reduce the price of a
soiled or slightly damaged article, to demonstrate a product, or exchange a
purchase. Ask an instructor to help you understand a point, find extra reading,
or go over items you missed on an exam. Practice speaking and making small talk,
give compliments to friends and strangers, call up a city official when you see
something unreasonable or inefficient, praise others when they have done well,
tell friends or co-workers experiences you have had, and on and on. Keep a diary
of your interactions.