- Tax Planning
- Investments 1: Before you Invest
- Investments 2: Your Investment Plan
- Investments 3: Securities Market Basics
- Investments 4: Bond Basics
- Investments 5: Stock Basics
- Investments 6: Mutual Fund Basics
- Investments 7: Building Your Portfolio
- Investments 8: Picking Financial Assets
- Investments 9: Portfolio Rebalancing and Reporting
- Retirement 1: Basics
- Retirement 2: Social Security
- Retirement 3: Employer Qualified Plans
- Retirement 4: Individual and Small Business Plans
- Estate Planning Basics
Case Study #1 Answer
Go to Morningstar Library Edition Online, and go to the screeners (see Learning Tool 7: Using Morningstar to Select Funds). Set up the problem with the following criteria:
Fund Category = Domestic Stock (ex-specialty), and your category is Large Blend
Special Fund Types and Index Fund = Yes
Minimum Purchase and <= a Value of $50
Fund Size (Total Assets) and Value >= $750
Fees and Expenses and No-Load Fund = Yes
Fees and Expenses and Expense Ratio <= Value of .3
As of 5/24/07, there were 6 funds that passed your criteria. They were:
DFA Core Equity I (dfeox)
Type: S&P 500 Index, Expense ratio: .23%
Min. Investment: $0, $50 initial AIP
DFA Core Equity I I (dfqtx)
Type: S&P 500 Index, Expense ratio: .26%
Min. Investment: $0, $50 initial AIP
Dryden Stock Index I (pdsix)
Type: S&P 500 Index, Expense ratio: .30%
Min. Investment: $0, $50 initial AIP
Principal Investment Large Cap S&P 500 Index (plfix)
Type: S&P 500 Index, Expense ratio: .15%
Min. Investment: $0 month, $0 initial AIP
TIAA-CREF Institutional S&P 500 Index (tispx)
Type: S&P 500 Index Expense ratio: .07%
Min. Investment: $0 month, $0 initial AIP
TIAA-CREF Institutional Equity Index (tieix)
Type: S&P 500 Index, Expense ratio: .07%
Min. Investment: $0, $0 initial AIP
Which fund you choose will be determined by which factors you think are most important. Certain factors include tenure of managers, expense costs, asset size, tax position, and so on.
Please note that after you do the analysis in Morningstar, you need to call each of the fund families to make sure the information was correct. Toll-free numbers are available under the tab “Purchase Info.” With three of these funds, the information was incorrect as these funds were only available for institutional or retirement clients, and were not available to the general public or retail clients.