Implementing your ISO 9001-2000 quality management system
- Identify the goals you want to achieve
Typical goals may
Be more efficient and profitable
Produce products and services that consistently meet
customer requirements
Achieve customer satisfaction
Increase market share
Maintain market share
Improve communications and morale in the organization
Reduce costs and liabilities
Increase confidence in the production system
- Identify what others expect of you
These are the expectations of interested parties
(stakeholders) such as:
Customers and end users
- Apply the ISO 9000 family of standards in your
management system
Apply the ISO 9000 family of standards in your
management system.
Decide if you are seeking certification that your
quality management system is in conformance with ISO 9001:2000 or if you are
preparing to apply for a national quality award.
Use ISO 9001:2000 as the basis for certification
Use ISO 9004:2000 in conjunction with your national
quality award criteria to prepare for a national quality award
- Obtain guidance on specific topics within the quality
management system
topic-specific standards are:
ISO 10006 for project management
ISO 10007 for configuration management
ISO 10012 for measurement systems
ISO 10013 for quality documentation
ISO/TR 10014 for managing the economics of quality
ISO 10015 for training
ISO/TS 16949 for automotive suppliers
ISO 19011 for auditing
- Establish your current status, determine the gaps
between your quality management system and the requirements of ISO 9001:2000
You may use one
or more of the following:
Self assessment
Assessment by an external organization
- Determine the processes that are needed to supply
products to your customers
Review the
requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 section on Product Realization to determine
how they apply or do not apply to your quality management system including;
Customer related processes
Design and/or development
Production and service operations
Control of measuring and monitoring devices
- Develop a plan to close the gaps in step 5 and to
develop the processes in step 6
Identify actions
needed to close the gaps, allocate resources to perform these actions, assign
responsibilities and establish a schedule to complete the needed actions.
- Carry out your plan
Proceed to implement the identified actions and track progress to your
- Undergo peri2odic internal assessment
Use ISO 19011 for
guidance in auditing, auditor qualification and managing audit programmes
- Do you need to demonstrate conformance?
Do you need to
demonstrate conformance?
If yes, go to
step 11
If no, go to step
You may need or
wish to show conformance (certification/registration) for various purposes, for
Contractual requirements
Market reasons or customer preference
Regulatory requirements
Risk management
To set a clear goal for your internal quality
development (motivation)
- Undergo independant audit
Engage an
accredited registration/certification body to perform an audit and certify that
your quality management system complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2000.
- Continue to improve your business
Review the
effectiveness and suitability of your quality management system. ISO 9004:2000
provides a methodology for improvement.