The Art of Delegation
Derived from Latin, delegate means "to send from." When
delegating you are sending the work "from" you "to" someone else. Effective
delegation will not only give you more time to work on your important
opportunities, but you will also help others on your team learn new skills.
Everyone knows about delegation. Most managers hear about it
in the cradle as mother talks earnestly to the baby-sitter: "just enjoy the
television ... this is what you do if ... if there is any trouble call me at
..."; people have been writing about it for nearly half a millennium; yet few
actually understand it.
Delegation underpins a style of management, which allows your
staff to use and develop their skills and knowledge to the full potential.
Without delegation, you lose their full value.
As the ancient quotation above suggests, delegation is
primarily about entrusting your authority to others. This means that they can
act and initiate independently; and that they assume responsibility with you for certain tasks. If something
goes wrong, you remain responsible since you are the manager; the trick is to
delegate in such a way that things get done but do not go (badly) wrong.