Based on the feedback
that suggested that the major concern of most of the employees was
balancing work and personal life, NIIT has evolved a personal effectiveness
program that allows each of its employee to prioritize and work towards
fulfillment of goals in all areas of life. It has also introduced schemes such
as “Granny Gratitude Day'' to offer
gratitude to parents and grandparents for giving them the right values.
Often the values of individuals clash with those prevailing in the
organization, giving rise to conflicts. Eicher Consultancy Services has shown sensitivity toward this issue
by concentrating on personal growth, yoga, meditation and communication
Indian Petrochemicals Corporation, Reckitt and Colman, ACC, the Oriental
Bank, Tata Tea and Tata Chemicals and SRF Ltd. are some companies
who have benefited from Transcendental Meditation (TM) and related
programs conducted by the Maharishi Institute of Management (MIM).
Maruti Udhyog has a common canteen and a common grey uniform -
symbols of a flat organization.
Belgaum based Polyhedron
believes in keeping the organizational functioningtransparent. Its employees decide the tasks they are going to do
and set their own targets.
Many of the employees of Benzer,
Bombay have been granted leave to attend a 10-day Vipassana program.
DCMmanagement has shown tremendous
interest and enthusiasm in sponsoring their employees for programs on
Yoga and meditation.
Wipro Infotech lays tremendous emphasis on personal growth and free
interactionamong its employees for problem
Core Healthcare has recently introduced a creativity development
program called “Vishvakarma” for its Projects personnel.