FREE online courses on Organisation - Types of Departmentation(a) Functions, e.g., sales, production, personnel, planning, transport, etc. (b) Products, e.g., air-conditioners, accounting machines, electronic calculators, etc. (c) Territory, region, or geographical area, e.g., Northern Railway, Western Railway, N.E. Railway, etc. (d) Customer, e.g., wholesaler, retailer, government. (e) Process. (f) Appropriate combination of any of these types. Function wise Departmentation
Under each of these five managers, there will be subordinate managers and under them, the subordinate staff. The advantages of this type of structure are as follows: (i) It is a logical reflection of functions. (ii) It follows the principle of specialisation. (iii) Maintains power and prestige of major functions. (iv) Inter-departmental co-ordination is facilitated. (v) The structure is simple, logical and easy to understand. (vi) Provides a good means of control at the top.
There are also some disadvantages: (i) Responsibility for profits tends to be at the top. (ii) There may be chances of heavy centralisation in decision-making. (iii) Where geographical centralisation is desirable or required, this form becomes unsuitable. (iv) This is not very suitable where product lines have to be emphasized. (v) There is a lower potential for manager development. Product wise DepartmentationThe advantages of this type of structure are: (i) Places greater effort on individual product line. (ii) Better customer service arising from greater product knowledge. (iii) Simplifies departmentation of profitability of each product line. Responsibility for profits is at the Division level. (iv) Improves co-ordination of functional activities. (v) New department may be added without difficulty. Permits growth and diversity of products and services. (vi) Detailed information on markets for specific products will be generated. (vii) Extremely suitable where product lines are complex or vary greatly. (viii) Furnishes measurable training ground for Managers.
Some of the disadvantages inherent in such departmentation are: (i) A customer has to deal with different salesmen or managers for different products of the same company. (ii) Extra costs of maintaining separate sales force for each product. (iii) Duplication of costs on travel, etc. (iv) Tends to make maintenance of economical central services difficult. (v) Results in increased problems of the top management control. Territorial or Geographical DepartmentationThe advantages of such departmentation are: (i) Regional expertise is generated and managers can tackle customers or competition better. Places responsibility at lower levels. (ii) Proximity will reduce costs of operation and administration. (iii) Places emphasis on local markets and problems. Local conditions might warrant different types of selling. This is possible only in territorial departmentation. (iv) Improves co-ordination at the regional level. (v) Better face-to-face communication with local interests in mind. (vi) Better manager development. Some disadvantages are listed as follows: (i) Involves higher costs of co-ordination and control from headquarters. (ii) Results in more managerial levels which increases overhead costs. (iii) Unsuitable for departments like Finance, where no gains are possible by specialisation on local factors. (iv) Increases problems of the top management control. Departmentation by CustomersSome advantages of this type of structure are: (i) Greater specialized customer service. (ii) Where marketing channels are considerably different for various types of customers, this type of structure is very useful.
Some disadvantages of this type are: (i) May not be enough work for certain types of customers. Hence, under employment of facilities and manpower specialized in terms of customer groups. (ii) Problems of co-ordination might pose difficulties. (iii) Unequal development of customer groups.