FREE online courses on Mergers & Acquisitions - Chapter 5 - Financial
We start the valuation process with a complete analysis of
historical performance. The valuation process must be rooted in factual
evidence. This historical evidence includes at least the last five years
(preferably the last ten years) of financial statements for the Target Company.
By analyzing past performance, we can develop a synopsis or conclusion about the
Target Company's future expected performance. It is also important to gain an
understanding of how the Target Company generates and invests its cash flows.
One obvious place to start is to assess how the merger will
affect earnings. P / E Ratios (price to earnings per share) can be used as a
rough indicator for assessing the impact on earnings. The higher the P / E Ratio
of the acquiring firm compared to the target company, the greater the increase
in Earnings per Share (EPS) to the acquiring firm. Dilution of EPS occurs when
the P / E Ratio Paid for the target exceeds the P / E Ratio of the acquiring
company. The size of the target's earnings is also important; the larger the
target's earnings are relative to the acquirer, the greater the increase to EPS
for the combined company.
It is important to note that we do not want to get overly
pre-occupied with earnings when it comes to financial analysis. Most of our
attention should be directed at drivers of value, such as return on capital. For
example, free cash flow and economic value added are much more important drivers
of value than EPS and P / E Ratios. Therefore, our financial analysis should
determine how does the target company create value - does it come from equity,
what capital structure is used, etc.? In order to answer these questions, we
need to:
Calculate value drivers, such as free cash flow.
- Analyze
the results, looking for trends and comparing the results to other companies.
- Looking
back historically in order to ascertain a "normal" level of performance.
Analyzing the details to uncover how the Target Company creates value and
noting what changes have taken place.