FREE online courses on Handling Our Own Aggression & Anger - Level II
Methods for reducing or controlling anger - Make constructive use of the energy
from anger
In contrast to the lethargy of depression, when we are angry,
adrenaline flows and increases our blood pressure, we have lots of energy.
Instead of using this "natural high" to hurt others, we can use it in
constructive ways. Examples: if a smart student in your class annoys you, use
your anger-energy to study more and be a better competitor. If it irritates you
that you are out of shape and can't play some sport as well as others (or as
well as you used to), use the resulting energy to get in shape, don't just eat
or drink more and criticize others. I am not proposing you become a more
competitive Type A personality; I'm not suggesting more anger but rather a more
beneficial use of the anger already present. For instance, try starting your own
self-help group for angry people; try helping others, such as by joining a local
MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).