Handling Our Own Aggression And Anger
A long-term concern an important problem
We have seen that anger is common but dreadfully destructive
in human relations. Most of us dislike certain kinds of people, maybe
"prejudiced, redneck clods," maybe "rude, demanding, lazy people on welfare,"
maybe "critical, arrogant bosses or teachers." If we are lucky, we can avoid
conflict situations. However, if all of us would learn to control our
irritation, jealousy, resentment, violence, prejudice, psychological putdowns,
etc., wouldn't it be a much better world? Of course it would, but such goals
seem so idealistic to many people, they think it is nonsense. People say "you
can't change human nature." These defeatist attitudes prolong human misery. I
don't think it is impossible (in a couple of generations) to get people to
tolerate, even to love each other. It is an enormous task but such a worthy one
that we must not give up. Instead, we must dedicate ourselves to improving the
world, starting with our selves.
The pessimist, who believes there will always be hatred and
war, should note that the most primitive people on earth (discovered in the
Philippines in 1966) are gentle and loving. They have no word for war. How do
they control their aggression? What is their system? The entire tribe
discourages mean, inconsiderate behavior and encourages cooperation from an
early age. Everyone is expected to provide a good, loving model for the
children. Please note: This non-aggressive culture was developed without modern
education, without great scholars, research and books, without powerful
governments working for peace, and without any of the world's great religions.
If that primitive tribe can learn to love, why can't we? It may not be too
difficult after all. The other bit of history I want to share with you is from
Seneca, a Roman philosopher-educator, who served several Emperors until Nero
executed him in 65 AD at age 61. He was an extraordinary person. Seneca wrote a
book, De Ira (Of Anger). In it Seneca
proposed theories about aggression and self-help methods remarkably similar to
the best we have today. It is humbling but it suggests that common anger
problems may not be that hard to solve (we have been too busy waging war for the
last 2000 years to work on reducing violence). Seneca said "hostile aggression"
is to avenge an emotional injury. "Sadistic aggression," with practice, becomes
habitual by frightening others and, in that way, reduces self-doubts (negative
reinforcement). He noted that anger is often an overkill because we attribute
evil to the other person or because the other person has hit our psychological
weak spot, lowering our self-esteem. Sounds just like current theories, right?