Bias in Information
While choosing the appropriate method of communicating
information, a care has to be taken to see that is not biased. For example,
while using the techniques of classification or filtering the information, it
should not happen that certain information gets eliminated or does not get
classified. That is, a deliberate bias in covering certain information is to be
avoided. This bias enters because people try to block sensitive information
which affects them. To overcome this problem, a formal structure of organization
should be adopted and the type of information and its receiver should be decided
by the top management.
Many a times the data and the information are suppressed but
the inferences are informed, with no or little possibility of verification or
rethinking. In this case one who draws inferences may have a bias in the process
of collection, processing and presentation of data and information. Though the
deliberate enforcement of the inference on the receiver avoids a possibility of
the multiple inferences, but in this case processor's bias is forced on the
receiver. For example, organizations have departments like Corporate Planning,
Market Research, R & D, HRD and so on, which collect the data and analyze it for
the company and communicate the inferences. In all these case personal bias,
organizational bias and management bias may be reflected in the entire process
of collection processing, and communication inferencing.
Table: Methods to Avoid Misuse of Information
Delayed delivery of
A possibility of
immediate action or decision is reduced. It will have only a knowledge value.
Sales report to the
sales representative or a copy of invoice to the sales representative.
Change in the format and
content of the report.
Provide only that
information which may be needed, hence the misuse is averted.
Sales information to
operations management, sales versus target for the middle management sales
with a trend analysis to the top management.
Suppression and
filtering of the information of confidential and sensitive nature.
To avoid the risk of
exposure and the misuse of information for achieving the undesirable goals.
The price, the cost
information. Drawing and design
Suppress the details and
references of data and information.
Make it difficult to
collect, and process the data at the user end to meet the personal needs of
Statistical reports with
no references.
Truncated or lopsided
Make it difficult to
read through the information and avoid its probable misuse.
A focus on high value
sales and production and suppress the details.
The presentation of the information will generate a bias and
may influence the user. For example, if the information is presented in an
alphabetical order and if it is lengthy, the first few information entities will
get more attention. If the
information is presented with criteria of exception, the choice of exception and
deviation from the exception creates a bias by design itself. For a quick grasp,
the information is presented in a graphical form. The choice of scale, the
graphic size and the color introduce a bias in the reader's mind.