FREE online courses on Financial Ratio Analysis - Forest Management In India
- Topical Rain Forests
Tropical Rain Forest need special mention because they are an
excellent example of rich biodiversity and other characteristics and need
different management practices. They are located between tropic of Cancer and
tropic of Capricorn. They receive lot of rains and remain wet and humid. They
are subjected to deforestation like other forests. It is estimated that more
than 50% of plant and animal species exist in tropical rain forests and yet
these forests cover a small area on earth. It is believed by the entomologists
that one single species of tree support 400 species of insects in these forests.
Therefore, tropical forests represent most diverse ecosystem and biological
wealth and genetic resource. They represent, according to scientists, such an
efficient ecosystem that conserve and recycle itself for survival and can become
basis of industrial ecology. Science News (1990) mention that “tropical rain
forests ecosystem which support so much of life, is held in a delicate balance.
As each component dies, its nutrients are recycled…… and then reabsorbed by the
plants to provide new life”. The dead decaying matter doesn't go out of forests
because it is reabsorbed an efficient recycling.
Management of Tropical Rain Forests involves sustainable concept in which there
is a balance between harvest and regeneration.
- Plants
including trees are continually dying in these forests; it is better they are
harvested within the limits permitted by ecosystem.
- It must
be realized that trees in these forests produce many useful products like
rubber, nuts and fruits and it is better to harvest these products rather than
cutting the whole tree for timber.
- Besides
above, the general principles of Forest Management are applicable here viz.
(a) improving the lives of rural people;
(b) improving methods of shifting cultivation;
(c) improving food production;
(d) increasing supply of fuel wood or providing
alternative source;
(e) expanding employment and incomes.