FREE online courses on Concepts of Ayurveda - The Vaiseshika System
The term ‘Vaiseshika' is derived from the
root ‘Visish,' meaning ‘distinct,' ‘particular,' and ‘pre-eminent.' The term
‘Visesha' means ‘the difference between,' ‘characteristic difference,' ‘special
property.' The Nyaya Vaiseshika school of natural philosophy owes its origin to
the great atomist of India, Kanada, and Gowthama, who stated that the root cause
of universe is the atoms. To them as to modern physical science, the paramanus
are the ultimate basic entities of matter and these combine variously. In this
process, they acquire new qualities. Myriads of new things emerge out of their
combinations. Life results, in this view, when these paramanus or atoms and the
atom of mind combine or unite.
Vaiseshikas adopt two methods of proof or
Pramanas in the determination of truth viz., (i) Prathyaksha or observation, and
(ii) Anumana or inference. According to them, Padarthas or things are of six
kinds viz.,
- Dravya
or thing or substance,
- Guna or
- Karma or
- Samanya
or community or genus,
- Visesha
or special property or particularity,
- Samavaya
or co-inherence or intimate connection of constituent parts.
The above are designated as Bhava Padarthas.
Later Vaiseshikas have included Abhava or non-existence as the seventh Padartha.