FREE online courses on the Art Of Effective
Time Management - Introduction
“Stay! Stay, thou fleeting moment” – Goethe (Faust)
Of all the resources at our disposal, time is perhaps the
most precious of all. It is abstract, unstoppable, un- storable, in
exchangeable, irretrievable and unreplenishable. It is finite. It follows,
therefore, that if our Today's are properly planned and used i.e. available time
is wisely invested (and not squandered), our tomorrows are likely to be
brighter. The crux of Time Management is basically the art of managing the
future by optimum utilization of the present.
By breaking up our long-term aims into short and long-term
objectives, systematic delegation of responsibility coupled with authority, by
identifying time wasting habits / situations and adopting an appropriate pattern
of working which optimizes use of time, workers/executives at all levels will be
able to find ample time to do the things which are really important.
Productivity and effectiveness will rise, yet there will be spare time for
family, relaxation ad creative pursuits.