Overcoming Stress
Categories the activities, no
matter how small, that you do from morning till bedtime under three heads: left,
right and mixed. Record the time you spend on each activity. This will give you
an estimate about which side is being used more than the other. Explore the
possibilities of exchanging some chores of the side used more, with the ones
pertaining to the other side.
Working with one hemisphere at the
cost of the other may bring you boredom and negative stress. You need to balance
the two, perhaps by deleting, exchanging, delegating professional activities, or
starting a new leisure time hobby.
Even if your job is unstructured,
stick to a schedule, which you review frequently. Divide your day into sections
of 2-3 hours each and assign body-clock-based activities. Once every two hours
or so, relax in your chair. Pace about or try this exercise: tighten your body
at all its joints: hold the tension for a minute, then exhale and let go of the
Manage your time. Digress from the
schedule only during an emergency. Learn to say: “No,” Time away from
unnecessary activity is time earned.
Learn leadership and the fine art
of delegating.
Don't marry your job. Only a bad
manager will attempt to do everything with equal perfection. Not prioritizing
will burn you out: chaos is a managerial imperfection, a sign of indecisiveness,
inefficiency and thoughtlessness.